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Giardina Group takes over De Stefani

Giardina Group, one of the best known international brands for finishing solutions, has acquired De Stefani based in Giussano (Italy), a small but lively manufacturer which has been operating for over forty years all over the world, thanks to the artisan quality of its sanding solutions.

The deal was signed right in the days of the global lockdown due to the „Covid-19“ pandemic. “We didn’t stop and we also carried out this project, which we had been working on for some time”, commented Stefano Mauri, owner of the Giardina Group with his brother Riccardo. “We believe that it is in complex times like the one we are experiencing that companies must demonstrate that they have a project, a perspective, the strength to look ahead without waiting for interventions from governments and institutions. Never more than today is it fundamental to believe in your own strengths and ideas”.

The analysis and evaluation processes that led to the integration between the teams have already been perfected, with a view to defining a complete production, management and commercial synergy. De Stefani will continue to operate at its headquarters in Giussano, with the coordination of Sara and Alessio De Stefani – sons of the founder Valerio – who will maintain the management of the production unit in coordination with the various leaders of the group activities. “We will be stronger and have more resources to develop new products; we can count on a sales network that will open new markets and on a technical team that will contribute to our operations on an international level”, they commented. 

The acquisition of De Stefani opens a new chapter of the “Giardina Group 2030” project. This industrial plan defines the group’s strategies to face the markets with an increasingly articulated range of solutions, but above all with the skills and knowledge necessary to design and build machines and plants in the many sectors in which the group operates, from wood to glass, from plastic to automotive, from composites to aerospace.

A new, important stage in the finishing specialist’s journey, which adds up to the recent inauguration of the “Giampiero Mauri Innovation Center” and which takes place exactly ten years after the acquisition of Giardina Finishing by Mauri Macchine, the founding moment of what Giardina Group is today.

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