Giardina Group at Xylexpo 2022: tradition and innnovation | Video

Giardina Group presents “Dualtech Forma design by Pininfarina”, A video made during the last edition of Xylexpo, the trade fair dedicated to the furniture industry and manufacturers of woodworking solutions. A four-day […]

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Dualtech 420: presentazione ufficiale di Giardina Group

Giardina Group presents “Dualtech 420” | video

Giardina Group presents “Dualtech 420”, the first stage of the renovation process that will affect the entire range of “Dualtech” automatic sprayers, a technology that represents fifty years of experience […]

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The new Giardina Group corporate video

The new Giardina Group corporate video is online: we thought that the best way to close this year was to summarize who we are and what are our projects, our […]

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