Xylon International

Giardina and Mauri Macchine: together, looking at the future

Italy - Jul-Aug 2014
Glass Technology International

Giardina Finishing and HS Glassprinting

Italy - May 2014
Xylon International

New board of directors at Acimall

Italy - Nov-Dec 2013

Novità italiane a Ligna

Italy - Jul-Aug 2013

Russia 2013

Germany - May 2013
Xylon International

Maurimacchine finishing plants

Italy - Jan-Feb 2011

Maurimacchine Impianti di verniciatura

Italy - Nov-Dec 2010

Rinnovato il consiglio direttivo di Acimall

Italy - Nov-Dec 2010

Xylexpo 2010: “un successo nonostante tutto…”

Italy - Jul-Aug 2010
Xylon International

Xylexpo 2010: “Success against all odds…”

Italy - Jul-Aug 2010
Xylon International

Maurimacchine all over the world

Italy - May-Jun 2009
Xylon International

Maurimacchine two models of the line

Italy - Mar-Apr 2009
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